Marcella França's Immersive full dome Performance - SAT Montréal

Marcella França's Immersive full dome Performance - SAT Montréal
The Face Of The Rain - Selected for SAT FEST 2021, Montreal
Performed and directed and edited by Marcella França.
The Face of the Rain” is a 360° full-dome immersive performance that talks about memory, the life cycle, and the concept of non-linear time through the realization that we are all born from water and become rain after our death. The artist Marcella França mixes contemporary dance and digital art, to offer a poetic experience about mourning. Her character tries to revive her father's presence interacting with the rain, and in this immersive emotional search, the artwork provokes the following questions:
- What is the face of the rain?
- Can the past and the present coexist in the same moment of life?
Video Teaser: Video Stills:

Snow Sea, 2020
Site-Specific that transforms a mountain of snow into Sea waves, proposing a transfiguration between the solid-state of the water into a liquid-state, transposing realities at Montreal, Canada
Time Mobile ( ice, cotton line and wood branch), 2020
The time is passing by, dripping, changing forms and states... Can you feel it? Can you see it?
Mémoire Liquide, 2015
An artwork about the emotional values with water, linking North and South of the planet
How important you think it is the conservation of fresh water on the planet?
Can you explain your feeling on quenching your thirst or the pleasure of a plunge?
This video installation is about the past and the future, reflecting in a sensitive way about the importance of the fresh water.
The both points-of-view are condensed in the same cloud sculpture made with recycled plastic water bottles. At one side, the intangible value of the emotional memories in the aquatic environment forming a collaborative content from canadians and brazilians received by social media and projected on a sculpture. At the other side the live experience promoted by interactivity create new sensations in real time to build new reflections of the future of fresh water preservation, creating new fresh emocional memories with these unique experience.
How it works:
The Interactivity by gesture using Kinect offered live experience as if you could touch the water inside a cloud sculpture. At the same time, completing the 360º videomapping projection, on the other side of sculpture received the collaborative content of pictures and videos collected by social media about special moments lived in fresh water.
Memoire Liquide - collaborative and Interactive Video installation, 2015. Interaction by gesture and public collaboration, sharing them water memories with the artist.
Selected by Montréal en Lumière - Nuit Blanche.
Gallery: SAT - Société des Arts Technologiques, Montréal Canada.
Artist: Marcella França.
Production Mixelanea.

Memoire Liquide - Marcella França's interactive installation Montreal en Lumière, Nuit Blanche, SAT

Volátil, 2011, 2012
Volatil - Video Installation, 2012.
Curated by Daniela Labra
Exhibition "O que te Move", Apis Gallery, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Marcella França's immersive video installation

Marcella França's immersive video installation
"Volátil" - First version, exhibition Tocayo, Galpão da Ação e Cidadania, RJ, 2011
SOURCE - Live Collaborative Site Specific, 2012.
Live monumental mapped projection on a water font. The content projected counted with the public that collaborated sharing them water memories with the artist.
Curator: Moyana Mayal
Commissioned by Video Urbe Festival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Site Specif - Video intervention / urban art

Site Specif - Video intervention / urban art
SOURCE - Live Collaborative Site Specific, 2012.
Live projection on the surface of the lake. The content projected counted with the public that collaborated sharing them water memories with the artist.
Curator: Moyana Mayal
Commissioned by Video Urbe Festival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Marcella França's multimedia immersive installation

Marcella França's multimedia immersive installation
Intimacy, 2009
Immersive Video installation, Objeto Encontrado Gallery, DF, Brazil.
Immersive video installation, carried out in partnership with Daniel Biléu, in which the public enters under the skirt of a graffiti on the wall, where they watch close-up videos of female mouths telling erotic experiences.

Fetiche Box, 2009
Video installation that interacts with the audience where he is a spectator and also agent of the theme. The secret, the forbidden,
the mystery and the revelation of the erotic, and the surrender that involves any fetish ...

Marcella França's video installation

Marcella França's video installation

Marcella França's video installation

Marcella França's video installation
Fetiche, 2009
Site Specific that interacts with the audience where he is a spectator and also agent of the theme. The secret, the forbidden, the mystery and the revelation of the erotic, and the surrender that involves any fetish ...